
Infographic Project

Model infographic

“Behind The Scenes of Viral Music” By Fandistro
Useful: use data by creating a chart or graph to draw attention; display six elements that make music go viral by using vivid pictures with few text explanations; use images to present idea.

Not useful: the graph in this infographic looks common; use repeated images to show the number of an object.

How does the model accommodate its content?
This model accommodate this TEDtalk content for the reasons that firstly the beginning of the TEDtalk uses several digital data to draw attention which can be translated in a chart like the model infographic shows; secondly, the TEDtalk later tells three reasons why we are losing our listening and five exercises to improve our conscious listening. These contents can be transformed into infographic with specific images and text explanation just like model infographic, and keeps the similar pattern.

My TEDtalk:
Julian Treasure: "5 Ways to Listen Better"

1.      Generally talks about the phenomenon that people are losing their listening.

2.      Listening is a mental process of extraction.
Listening techniques: pattern recognition and differencing.
Intention is important in listening.
3.      Sound places us in space and in time.
4.      The reasons we are losing our listening:
a)        We invented ways of recording
b)        The world is now so noisy
c)        We are becoming impatient and desensitized
5.      Five exercises to improve our conscious listening:
a)        Silence: to hear the quiet
b)        Mixer: listen in a noisy environment
c)        Savoring: enjoying mundane sounds
d)       Listening positions: move listening position to what's appropriate to what you're listening to
e)        An acronym—RASA: receive; appreciate; summarize; ask
6.      The importance for human being to listen consciously.

My Infographic draft:

